Technology | 26.07.2024

Molds and dies: a new possibility for growth

Molds and dies: Mexico is living a critical moment for the future of the manufacturing industry. A crossroads of events that gives us the opportunity to meet the needs of the market, taking advantage of the political uncertainty of our northern neighbor and our great manufacturing capacity and Mexican human talent with extensive experience in the molds and dies sector.

That is why it is expected that in the next 5 years the mold and die industry in Mexico will double its current size, from just over 300 specialized companies according to statistics from the Clúster de Herramentales de Nuevo León (Nuevo León Tooling Cluster).  This growth would mean a market value of more than 500 million dollars thanks, among other factors, to the nearshoring phenomenon and the transition from traditional to electric mobility.

Jorge Ayala, representative of the Asociación Mexicana de Manufactura de Moldes y Troqueles (Mexican Association of Mold and Die Manufacturing or AMMMT), explained during Meximold 2023, that 400 new companies are expected to be installed in the Bajío region of the country, all of them with a considerable demand for molds for the automotive industry.

The speed and power of the dragon

Now that the conditions for growth are clear, we will have to think about how to take advantage of this trend and benefit from this opportunity to increase the machining capabilities of our workshops. At HEMAQ, we are counting on a brand of CNC machine tools specialized in molds and dies. Jingdiao Group offers solutions for 3 and 5-axis machining with great versatility and power, in addition to the ability to machine molds and dies with microscopic levels of precision. 

JIngdiao’s GRA400 5-Axis High-Speed Machining Center 

The phenomenon of Asian and European companies relocating to North America is becoming more and more familiar, as demand has increased as consumers are increasingly open to the possibility of switching from a combustion car to a hybrid or electric car thanks, to a large extent, to the decrease in their prices.

Molds and Dies

This creates the perfect scenario to join the production of high-precision molds and dies, as these are the components with the highest projected demand in the next 5 years. Consider, in addition, that according to the AMMMT’s own analysis, the market for these parts has “fostered the country’s integration into global supply chains, as numerous international companies use parts manufactured in Mexico to produce components that are then assembled into products that go to different parts of the world.”

*With information from:

González, Lilia. (August 6th 2023). Industria de moldes y troqueles duplicará su crecimiento por nearshoring y sector automotriz. El Economista. Recovered from:

Hernández, Lizete. (February 1th 2023). Moldes, troqueles y herramentales, base de la manufactura. Mexico Industry. Recovered from:

molds and dies
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